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  1. Only the first 500 finishers will be given medals.

  2. Participants must be 13 years of age and above.

  3. Participants below 18 years are required to obtain parent’s / guardian’s approval and complete the declaration form.

  4. The confirmation of participation is ONLY VALID with the confirmed payment on the registration fees.

  5. Change to the category or other personal details will not be entertained after confirmation of participation is made.

  6. Participants MUST wear the UNITY RUN 2016 events t-shirt during the run.

  7. Changes size of event t-shirt is STRICTLY PROHIBITED once registration is confirmed.

  8. Pets or any wheel-run objects are NOT ALLOWED on the race route for all categories.

  9. There will be no baggage deposit area for participants.

  10. Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination or consult their medical team before registration takes place and prior to actual race day.

  11. Participants must bring along appropriate personal identification acceptable to the organisers (e.g. IC, passport, student ID card, payment receipt or confirmation email) during collection of run-pack.

  12. Participants who commence before the actual start time of the race will be disqualified.

  13. Participants who do not start within 15 minutes from the actual start time will be disqualified and may not be allowed to start for the sake of safety.

  14. Participants must follow the route allocated by the organiser during the race and are prohibited to take short-cuts.  Runners who do not obey this will be disqualified.

  15. The Organisers reserves the right to close entries before deadline without any notice or when quota of the run is full.

  16. If participants wish to run with family members who are above 18 years old, please register under public category.

  17. For participants who wish to register online, please make payment before registering.

  18.  Payment MUST be made before registration takes place.

  19. For participants who wish to make payment through online banking method, kindly make a screenshot of your transaction evidence as the attachment during registration.

  20. For participants who wish to make payment with bank-in method, kindly take a photo of the bank-in slip as your transaction evidence as the attachment during registration.

  21. An e-Receipt will be issued within 24 hours upon submission of registration form along with the required attachmen

  22. Change to the category or other personal details will not be entertained after confirmation of participation is made.

  1. The participants acknowledge that the entry fees of the event are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  2. All transactions will be in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR or RM).

  3. Registered participants are not allowed to change their categories and size of event t-shirt once the registration is confirmed.

  4. The participants warrant that he / she is in good physical condition.

  5. The participants are acknowledged and agreed with all the rules and regulations above and shall not hold the organisers and sponsors responsible for any accident/ injury/ death/ loss of property however caused before, during or after the event.

  6. Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs of participants, or any other record of this event for any commercial advertising and etc.

  7. There will strictly be no refunds if the event is cancelled due to incidents that are beyond the control of the organiser.

  8. The organiser reserves the right to delay, cancel and postponed the event due to situation beyond control happens.

  9. The organiser reserves the right to inhibit participants who are physically incapable to carry on with the run to prevent him/her from further injuries.

  10. Organiser reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without any advance notification or reason thereof.



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